Emlid RTK GNSS Receivers

Navigation with Centimetre Accuracy.

Versatile, cost-effective RTK GNSS receivers, with an app as a controller.

Reach RS3

RTK GNSS receiver
with tilt compensation

  • L1/L2/L5 RTK GNSS receiver
  • IMU tilt compensation
  • Dual-band radio
  • Up to 4mm (static mode) and 7mm horizontal accuracy (RTK mode)
  • Short convergence time (typically ~5 seconds)
  • Internal LTE modem

Reach RS2+

Multi-band RTK GNSS receiver
with centimetre precision

  • L1/L2/L5 RTK GNSS receiver
  • Up to 4mm (static mode) and 7mm horizontal accuracy (RTK mode)
  • Short convergence time (typically ~5 seconds)
  • Internal LTE modem

Reach RS+

Affordable, single frequency
RTK GNSS receiver

  • L1 RTK GNSS receiver
  • Up to 5mm (static mode) and 7mm horizontal accuracy (RTK mode)

Get your own RTK base station

Use an Emlid Reach RS2+ or Reach RS+ to set up an RTK base station on your farm and use it to stream RTCM3 and RINEX positioning corrections to field machinery over LoRa radio (915 – 922 MHz), up to 8 Km line of sight.

Emlid Reach GNSS receivers can work for up to 30 hours on its built in battery system, while also offering external power input for uninterrupted operation.

Designed for outdoor use, the units can resist temperatures from -20 ºС to +65 ºС and are water- and dust-proof (IP67 rated).

On-board machinery guidance

Emlid Reach RS2+ and Reach RS+ receivers can be mounted on tractors and combine harvesters, to provide precise coordinates over Bluetooth/Wi-Fi to your tablet with a lightbar navigation app.

The RS232 interface enables you to stream NMEA corrections directly from the Reach receiver into an auto steering system. Supported apps are MachineryGuide, AgriBus-Navi, eFarmer and Agripilot.

Detailed NMEA message configuration with Emlid Flow

The most user-friendly software for RTK receiver configuration data collection that is available both for Android and iOS. Supports thousands of coordinate systems and is translated into multiple languages. With Emlid Flow, you can collect and stake out points and control all the features of Reach receivers, such as setting up a base station and logging RINEX data.

Emlid Flow can also be used when specifying a specific talker ID and NMEA message parameters, to help you connecting Emlid Reach rovers to various GIS apps, software for GPR, and agriculture machinery guidance. This means that you can freely use Emlid Reach receivers with software and hardware requiring a specific NMEA output.


Order your Emlid Reach GNSS receiver now!

Farm Doctors is an authorised Emlid reseller in Australia. For more information, please contact us and we will help you setting up an RTK network on your property.